Simple Present Tense

Present tense is simple form which used to express situation going into effet in this time.Sike Rabbit,everyday fack or natural phenomenon.

-Using Simple Present Tense in positive,negative,and interrogative sentences.
-Using Simple Present Tense in verbal and non verbal sentences.
-Using Simple Present Tense in making recipes or procedures

The Simple Present is used:
To express habbits,general truths,repeitted action or Unchangings Situations,emotions and wisher:
He smart[habbit];I work in Paris[Unchanging situation];Asia continent is the largest continent in the world[general truth]
Example:General truth
Sunset always in west
Indonesia has two seasons
Some gires like pink colour.

Verbal Sentence Affirmative form S+ Vone [-s/-es]+object
Example:They have bums the trash.

Negative form S+do/does+not+Vone+object?
Example:-he doesn’t leave classroom.
We don’t know about the back.

Interrogative form do/does+S+Vone+object?
Example:Does she forget about her homework?
-Yes,she does
-No,she doesn’t
:Do I feed my pet?
-Yes,I do
-No,I don’t
Adverb of time:
-Always -Often -Sometimes
-Never -Seldom
-Every -Usually
Formula for present tense is
Example:He is a Superman
:She is a Wonderwoman
Example:-I am a Policeman
-Tomy [he] is clever
Kalimat[menggunakan kata kerja]
Example:[+]I usually wake up at five in the morning.
[-]They don’t loke coffe
[?]Do you study english at School?

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