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- Tomy Agung Laksono
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Noun Prhase
1. Noun phrases is constraction function as subject and object .2. Noun phrases is either a single noun or pronoun or any group of wordscontaining a noun or a pronoun that function together as a noun orpronoun, as the subject or object of a verb.
- Kinds of noun phrases :
a.Noun + Noun, example : Office boy
b.Verb + Noun, example : Take a bath.
c.Gerund + Noun, example : Throwing balld.
d.Pronoun + Noun, example : My booke.
e.Adjective + Noun, example : Black board
f. Determiner + Noun, example : A pen
- The noun phrases in English composed petenhally of 3 parts, there are :
a. Head : The most usual kind of head of a noun phrases.
b. Pre Modification : Consists of a number of word classes in a specific order.
c. Post Modification : Must commonly used not by specific word classes or subclasses.
1 :Shaggy : Do you like books ?
Jojo : Yes, I like them.
Shaggy : Do you like books over there?
Jojo : Yes, they are nice.
Shaggy : Do you like the book which I brought yesterday?
Jojo : Yes, I like it.
Example 2 :
- Nicko was late( Nicko is the noun phrase functioning as the subject of the verb)- Some noun phrase are short :* The student- Some are long :* The very tall education consultant.
- Kinds of noun phrases :
a.Noun + Noun, example : Office boy
b.Verb + Noun, example : Take a bath.
c.Gerund + Noun, example : Throwing balld.
d.Pronoun + Noun, example : My booke.
e.Adjective + Noun, example : Black board
f. Determiner + Noun, example : A pen
- The noun phrases in English composed petenhally of 3 parts, there are :
a. Head : The most usual kind of head of a noun phrases.
b. Pre Modification : Consists of a number of word classes in a specific order.
c. Post Modification : Must commonly used not by specific word classes or subclasses.
1 :Shaggy : Do you like books ?
Jojo : Yes, I like them.
Shaggy : Do you like books over there?
Jojo : Yes, they are nice.
Shaggy : Do you like the book which I brought yesterday?
Jojo : Yes, I like it.
Example 2 :
- Nicko was late( Nicko is the noun phrase functioning as the subject of the verb)- Some noun phrase are short :* The student- Some are long :* The very tall education consultant.
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